Multidimensional profiling reveals GATA1-modulated stage-specific chromatin states and functional associations during human erythropoiesis

Jun. 01, 2023

Dr. Hsiang-Ying Lee published a paper in Nucleic Acids Research.

Mammalian erythroid development can be divided into three stages: hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (HSPC), erythroid progenitor (Ery-Pro), and erythroid precursor (Ery-Pre). However, the mechanisms by which the 3D genome changes to establish the stage-specific transcription programs that are critical for erythropoiesis remain unclear. Here, we analyze the chromatin landscape at multiple levels in defined populations from primary human erythroid culture. While compartments and topologically associating domains remain largely unchanged, ∼50% of H3K27Ac-marked enhancers are dynamic in HSPC versus Ery-Pre. The enhancer anchors of enhancer–promoter loops are enriched for occupancy of respective stage-specific transcription factors (TFs), indicating these TFs orchestrate the enhancer connectome rewiring. The master TF of erythropoiesis, GATA1, is found to occupy most erythroid gene promoters at the Ery-Pro stage, and mediate conspicuous local rewiring through acquiring binding at the distal regions in Ery-Pre, promoting productive erythroid transcription output. Knocking out GATA1 binding sites precisely abrogates local rewiring and corresponding gene expression. Interestingly, knocking down GATA1 can transiently revert the cell state to an earlier stage and prolong the window of progenitor state. This study reveals mechanistic insights underlying chromatin rearrangements during development by integrating multidimensional chromatin landscape analyses to associate with transcription output and cellular states.

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