Second event of the psychological development group

Nov. 12, 2024

The "mental potential" psychological development group successfully launched its second event under the guidance of Cheng Zeng. It's theme was "To promote social charm with improvisation."

At the start, Zeng introduced the basics of improvisation. He pointed out that its core is quick thinking based on the present moment. Members tried dealing with simple social scenes such as "greeting", "sending presents", and "Yes, and". They gradually got used to the process. Then, Zeng Cheng incorporated the "3W" method into the scene. This enabled members to further improve their improvisation skills. When the members jointly designed an interactive game called "Guess my super power", the event reached its climax. Everyone present felt a stronger connection with each other through expression and imagination.

Overall, the event increased enthusiasm for improvisation and enhanced the social skills of attendees.

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